Saturday 5 April 2014

Doctors Life

Study Guidelines For The Freshers

By Umama Ameen (D’18) 
(With some contributions from Muhammad Faizan Ali - D’18)

Assalam-o-Aleikum all the freshers, the DOWITES' 19, "the doctor-to-be" out there !:)

Kudos on your selection to your dream place "DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE !" (Don’t kill me if this proves a nightmare at some points in the upcoming years. :p ) We hope you're enjoying your tafreehdays, exploring places, making new friends and being ragged mercilessly jovially by your seniors. :D

Now, as everybody who is going to enter this field of medicine would know, this is recognized to be one of the longest and the toughest undergraduate course taught worldwide. But take a breath! This is the most rewarding one too! Trust me; this is going to earn you, not just riches, but respect & a place in Allah's eyes, if you do it honestly and righteously. And to be able to achieve all this, first a thorough medical knowledge would be required; and this is what you are going to learn theoretically as well as practically in the forth-coming years.

What I've tried to tell you in this article (pardon me if this gets too long :D) is sort of a study guideline that might help you survive your upcoming modules and semester exams, and hopefully get over with them with flying colors I.A.

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